Estrutura para Eventos

From small meetings to large fairs, Joinville has a variety of spaces to hold events, whether technical-scientific, business, sports, among others. Options include Convention Centers, spaces in hotels, universities and theaters.

Event Suppliers

Saiba mais sobre algumas formas de apoio

O Convention Bureau se propõe a apoiar o processo de captação e realização de eventos em Joinville e Região. Os promotores de eventos podem contar com a expertise de nossa entidade durante todas as etapas, da captação a realização do evento. Por se tratar de uma entidade oficial, se traduz no elo entre o promotor do evento e a oferta do destino.

Also known as Bidding Book, it is a personalized technical material used in the event capture processes.

Realizada quando há necessidade de defender a candidatura de Joinville e Região. Acompanhamos o Embaixador local para promover a campanha de candidatura e a defesa durante o evento onde acontecerá a assembleia ou votação na qual será definida a escolha da cidade sede do próximo evento.

Local Mobilization

We promote connections between different sectors that are related to the event in question and that can contribute in some way to capturing or holding the event.


Publicity of the fundraising and the event on the Convention's publicity channels.

Scheduling business rounds with service providers associated with the Joinville Convention Bureau with the aim of optimizing time and mobilizing the local service network.

Technical visits

Held when there is a need to know the destination and the options for local spaces and attractions.

Promotional material

In publicity actions for the city, there is the possibility of making available some material produced or not by Convention, such as folders, magazines and institutional videos.

Portfólio de Eventos

Joinville is one of the main event destinations in southern Brazil, recognized for its structure of equipment, services and qualified labor. This set of aspects has accredited the city to host several events.

In addition to the traditional events that make up our fixed calendar such as Exposuper, Expogestion, Intermach, Interplast, Dance Festival, Flower Festival, Pianist, Choir Festival, Book Fair, the city has held important events in recent years, examples of what we present below:


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